Join a Community of Practice
PMAI Forums provide ongoing support and practical guidance across the school year, giving you structured time with other practitioners who are focused on the same work, share the same goals, and bring a variety of perspectives. The group work creates a dynamism for you to learn, engage, and share with your school.
Read frequently asked questions below.
NEW! System of Justness Forum - $1,600
The System of Justness Forum is a gathering to help implement a school-wide, constructivist system for proactive behavior supports and Montessori-based responses to children’s needs. This community of practice holds schools that are guided by the use of the Nautilus Approach and Montessori Early Intervention.
16 1-hour online meetings facilitated across the year to support a school-wide, constructivist system for proactive & responsive behavior supports using the Nautilus Approach and use of the Montessori Early Intervention process to further meet children’s needs.
Forums will begin the 4th week of September, day & time TBD.
Coaches' Forum Introduction - $1,600
The Coaches’ Forum is for those who have been trained as Montessori coaches and have not already attended Coaches Forum previously. It offers a time to refine and deepen the ongoing work. Coaches meet bi-weekly on virtual calls throughout the school year in small groups to build skills, add tools, reflect and learn new techniques. 16 sessions, each an hour-long, in small groups.
Forum will begin in September.
If you’re a group of 5 or more interested in purchasing multiple seats to this forum, please contact for our discounted group pricing!
Coaches' Forum Continuing - $1,600
The Coaches’ Forum is for those who have been trained as Montessori coaches and have already attended Coaches Forum in the past. It offers a time to refine and deepen the ongoing work. Coaches meet bi-weekly on virtual calls throughout the school year in small groups to build skills, add tools, reflect and learn new techniques. 16 hour-long sessions in small groups.
Forum will begin in September.
If you’re a group of 5 or more interested in purchasing multiple seats to this forum, please contact for our discounted group pricing!
Stewards' Forum - $1,200
The Stewards’ Forum is an opportunity for school leaders to come together with others to discuss the unique elements of leading a public Montessori school.
10 1-hour online meetings facilitated to support and further school leadership.
Forum will begin in September.
If you’re a group of 5 or more interested in purchasing multiple seats to this forum, please contact for our discounted group pricing!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a forum and what is the purpose?
The PMAI Forums are designed for educators and professionals to discuss a particular role, sharing strategies and tools, with a focus on the Montessori method. It is a Community of Practice with others who share the same role in their school.
Is there a syllabus for each forum?
Yes! Each forum follows a particular syllabus specifically designed to guide and enhance the participants’ professional practice with a commitment to concrete support toward full implementation.
How personalized is a forum?
Each participant in a forum gets to set personal goals and is supported in attaining them. The model is collaborative and based on professional cooperation.
Can I join a forum before taking the PMAI training it supports?
That depends on the Forum- please reach out and ask!
How often do forums meet?
Most meet about twice a month, 16 times a year, from September through to June. Stewards Forum meets once a month, starting in September and ending in June.