Discovering Montessori Coaching: A Partnership for Growth
Guest User Guest User

Discovering Montessori Coaching: A Partnership for Growth

Montessori education is built on the idea that learning is lifelong—not just for children, but also for the adults who guide them. Just as Montessori professionals prepare their environments, schools must cultivate autonomy, curiosity, and growth for educators. If the Preparation of the Adult is key, the Montessori Coach can be the catalyst.

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Narrative and Movement Building
Debra ondo Debra ondo

Narrative and Movement Building

In a recent podcast discussion with Lucy Recio, the Senior Advisor for Narrative and Movement Building at NAEYC, we were reminded of the critical work of transforming the education system through increased investment in early childhood education. This includes community organizing, advocacy, and policy to empower educators and create a unified profession.

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Street Data in Public Montessori
Guest User Guest User

Street Data in Public Montessori

In a recent podcast discussion with Dr. Jamila Dugan (she/her) the co-author with Shane Safir of  Street Data: A Next-Generation Model for Equity, Pedagogy, and School Transformation, we were reminded of the importance of staying true to our why.  What was it that brought us to Montessori?  Why do we stay? and more specifically, the value of trusting what we originally said we’d do in public Montessori education.

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One School, One Heart: Let’s Get Together and Feel Alright
PMAI Oudjit PMAI Oudjit

One School, One Heart: Let’s Get Together and Feel Alright

This is the fifth article in a series on Elizabeth Slade’s book Montessori in Action: Building Resilient Schools written for Public Montessori in Action International. So far I have outlined Slade’s “Whole School Montessori Method”, and looked at the three “Core Elements” of the method: Constructivism, Equity, and Coaching. In this post, I look at the first of the main components of the method: One School.

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Coaching: A Structure of Support
Tom Brown Tom Brown

Coaching: A Structure of Support

This is the fourth article in a series on Elizabeth Slade’s book Montessori in Action: Building Resilient Schools written for Public Montessori in Action International. So far I have outlined Slade’s “Whole School Montessori Method”, and looked at the first two “Core Elements” of the method: Constructivism and Equity. In this post, I look at the third core element of the Whole School Montessori Method - Coaching.

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Equity: A Whole School Approach
Tom Brown Tom Brown

Equity: A Whole School Approach

This is the third article in a series on Elizabeth Slade’s book Montessori in Action: Building Resilient Schools written for Public Montessori in Action International. You can read the initial article here and the second article here. In this post, I look at the second “Core Element” of Slade’s “Whole School Montessori Method” - Equity.

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Constructivism: Constructing a New Educational Paradigm
Tom Brown Tom Brown

Constructivism: Constructing a New Educational Paradigm

This is the second article in a series on Elizabeth Slade’s book Montessori in Action: Building Resilient Schools written for Public Montessori in Action International. You can read the initial article here. In this post, I look at the first “Core Element” of Slade’s “Whole School Montessori Method” - Constructivism.

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Time for Revolution!
Tom Brown Tom Brown

Time for Revolution!

Earlier this year, Dr. Angeline Lillard declared, “The time is ripe for an education revolution.” In an article for Frontiers Developmental Psychology, she outlined our current social conditions and how this moment aligns with other paradigm shifts in human history. These conditions include the advent of AI technologies, fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, and renewed attention to social inequities in schools and society.

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