Building Resilient Montessori Schools Workshop

July 18 and 19, 2024
11:00am - 5:00pm ET

Provides new and existing school and district leaders the visionary yet practical framework and tools necessary for the creation, flourishment, and sustainment of strong Montessori schools.

"This is what is intended by education as a help to life; an education from birth that brings about a revolution: a revolution that eliminates every violence, a revolution in which everyone will be attracted towards a common center."

- Dr. Maria Montessori

The time is now to build resilient Montessori schools!

Resilient Montessori schools are prepared to respond to the difficult conditions that surround public education in this country and stand solidly for what is best for children. Resilient Montessori schools pull together as a community to openly acknowledge the unique needs of the program and then advocate for them to be met within the larger landscape. Resilient Montessori schools hold clear their designer’s original vision and are unwavering in the commitment to implement it fully while knowing that a large amount of creativity and innovation will be needed every day to fulfill the vision. 

“This course is phenomenal! It takes the mystery out of building systems that last in a Montessori school. I found the content really engaging and the tools are like the missing piece in a jigsaw puzzle. There are tools you can use right away. Thank you Elizabeth!”

Why build resilient Montessori schools?

The main reasons to build resilient schools are children and families, school-based adults, and the wider community - the people who rely on schools as an equitable place for education and who dream of an environment prepared for dignity in learning.

Discover what it means to be a resilient Montessori School, how to operate as a unified community, and how to set measurable and clear goals that move you toward your ultimate objective.

The Building Resilient Schools Online Workshop is designed for Montessori educators and school leaders. The focus is on three components that comprise the whole school Montessori method:

  1. One School: Working within the unique, complex ecosystem of Montessori to build a unified community empowered to serve the mission of the school

  2. Honest Talk: Creating a culture of honest conversation based on the values of growth and clarity

  3. Strong Systems: Offering ways to build strong and resilient systems that will engage the whole community and yield results

“Insightful and full of helpful tools for a school just beginning or an established school that is working to update its systems.”

Like the method itself, we begin the learning process with a direct aim that gives us a sense of what we will know and be able to do once we are done.

Direct Aim:

Know that the whole-school Montessori method (One School, Honest Talk, and Strong Systems) will increase access to Montessori for every person in your community.

Do unification moves that matter, have honest conversations that lean into what is uncomfortable rather than avoid it, and build strong systems to support resilience, equity, and the full Montessori implementation.

The workshop delivers practical and actionable strategies to provide a strong Montessori experience for all children, families and educators. 

“ A great resource to use in the always-ongoing process of reflection and improvement as a school community”

Montessori in Action:  Building Resilient Montessori Schools

Montessori in Action, written by PMAI executive director, Elizabeth Slade, offers a cohesive and ambitious vision of school culture and the actionable guidance you’ll need to make that vision a reality. 

This book is a valuable resource and course companion for fully implementing the Montessori method. You’ll discover what it means to be a resilient Montessori School, how to operate as a unified community, and how to set measurable and clear goals that move you toward your ultimate objective.

Two days - live, virtual course.

Receive peer support, new insights, and practical tools ready for immediate implementation. 

Thursday, July 18, 11:00am-5:00pm ET

Friday, July 19, 11:00am - 5:00pm ET

CEUs: 1.2. To receive CEU credit, participants will need to attend both sessions.

Cost: $350